Financial Advice

Sustainable Investing – ESG explained…

Environmental, social and governance - ESG - refers to the three central factors in measuring the sustainability and ethical impact of an investment in a company or business. These criteria help to better determine the future financial performance of companies (return and risk). ESG concerns are vast, and the list below represents the core areas [...]

By |2018-09-14T15:22:31+10:00May 26th, 2018|Categories: Blog, Featured, Financial Advice|Tags: , |

Aged Care Advice – step by step

Whether considering options for yourself or deciding how best to help someone close to you, aged care is a complex area and requires careful thought. The uncertainty surrounding where to move, how much it will cost and where the money will come from can be overwhelming and stressful. We recommend speaking to a financial adviser [...]

Aged Care – FAQs

These Aged Care frequently asked questions will help provide some answers, however if we can help you further, please contact our Aged Care Professional, Jeanette O'Connor, for more information if you or a family member is considering moving into an Aged Care Facility.  Helpful, related links on Aged Care also appear at the end of [...]

Aged Care Case Study – Donald

If you or a family member is considering moving into an Aged Care Facility, it’s vital to receive advice on the financial aspects, and how your circumstances and choices could impact the costs of Aged Care, your assets and estate planning. Below is a case study which outlines a strategy to use Challenger's CarePlus.  What [...]

Aged Care Case Study – Jane

Jane wants to afford her ongoing aged care fees and living expenses and provide an inheritance for her children whilst retaining access to some funds. Jane is 85 and widowed. She was living on her own for some time after her husband passed away, but has become frail with age. By guest author:  Challenger Jane [...]

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