Successful investment experience

Our company’s investment philosophy has been developed from more than 20 years professional financial experience and some of the world’s most highly regarded academic research. Our core investment beliefs are summarised below:

  • Risk & return are related

  • Markets work

  • Asset allocation and structure determines portfolio performance

  • Diversification is the only free lunch for investors

  • Discipline is essential

In summary, logic and statistical evidence overwhelmingly favour an investment approach based on these principles. The returns are higher and the fees are lower and people’s investment outcomes are more likely to be achieved.

Investment Portfolio Philosophy

The performance of your investment portfolio and the way it contributes to your lifestyle goals is always our prime concern. Our portfolio construction process for all of our clients must be consistent, and based on the latest academic research available today.

For more information, please email or call Adam Passwell, Andrew Clegg, Jeanette O’Connor or Cheyne Whitford on (02)44555333.